List of Ming period martial arts with surviving manuals

For the most part, Ming period martial arts manuals are written for military men and intended for battlefield use. Many manuals are included as part of a larger military treatise and only offer the most rudimentary instructions on weapon use (exceptions to this rule are usually quarterstaff treatises). In a sense, they are closer to early modern bayonet drill manuals (i.e. simple and straightforward) than Middle Ages or Renaissance era Fechtbücher. Because of the simplicity of these manuals, reconstruction of Ming period martial arts based solely on the manuals is not always possible.

This list is by no means exhaustive and will be continuously updated.



Quan Jing San Shi Er Shi (拳經三十二勢, lit. 'Thirty-two stances of Fist Classic')

Quan Jing San Shi Er Shi is an unarmed combat style create by Ming commander Qi Ji Guang (戚繼光) as a physical training curriculum to improve fitness, confidence and discipline of his troops. Derived from dozens of other martial arts, Quan Jing San Shi Er Shi is more than just a hotchpotch of useful techniques from other styles, but a coherent fighting system.

Most versions of Ji Xiao Xin Shu (《紀效新書》) only contain twenty-four out of thirty-two stances of this style. Thankfully, the complete version can be found in San Cai Tu Hui (《三才圖會》) and Wu Bei Zhi (《武備志》).

The Fist Classic

An unarmed combat style inherited by Xuan Ji (玄機和尚), a Shaolin monk that lived during late Wangli/early Chongzhen era (1620-1630s). The first manual of this martial arts, known as Quan Jing (《拳經》), was written by his student Zhang Heng Qiu (張橫秋) in 1640, after which manuscript copies of the original manual became widely circulated among Zhang Heng Qiu's students during Qing period, many of whom made further edits or expansions upon the manual. 

Currently there are three major copies of the manuscript as well as many minor ones. Major copies include "Wang manuscript (王本/光緒二十六年王某手錄本)", reprinted under the title Quan Jing Quan Fa Bei Yao (《拳經、拳法備要》) in 1936, "Du manuscript (度本/海陵度我氏藏本)", which was printed during Republican period under many different names such as Quan Di Quan Shu (《拳敵全書》) and Xuan Ji He Shang Mi Shou Que Dao Quan Jie (《玄機和尚秘授穴道拳訣》), both are copies of an older manual written by Cao Huan Ran (曹煥斗) in 1784. In addition, there is an even older manual called Zhang Heng Qiu Mi Shou Die Da Zhua Na Fa (《張橫秋秘授跌打抓拿法》) authored Liang Lun (良輪) in 1753, which is also called "Liang manuscript (良本)".

Tong Bi Yuan Quan (通臂猿拳, lit. 'Through-armed ape fist')

One of the earliest extant martial arts manuals of Tong Bei Quan (通背拳) school was written by late Ming period martial artist Zhou Quan (周全) over the course of twenty-two years (the manual was completed in 1665, after the fall of Ming Dynasty). It is closely related to Nei Jia Quan Fa (內家拳法).

It should be noted that the name "Tong Bei Quan (通背拳)" only came into common use around late Republican era, while older records almost always used the name "Tong Bi Quan (通臂拳)". Nevertheless, though written and pronounced slightly differently, these two names can be considered synonymous.

Unarmed martial art of Ji Ji Ke (姬際可)

One of the earliest extant manuals of modern Xinyiquan, or at least a direct predecessor of the style (the modern name of the style wasn't coined until much later), is Yi Shan Wu Lun (《倚山武論》) authored by late Ming/early Qing period martial arts master Ji Ji Ke (姬際可), the historical founder of the style.

Nei Jia Quan Fa (內家拳法, lit. 'Internal fist techniques')

An internal martial arts attributed to legendary figure Zhang San Feng (張三豐), although the earliest mention of this style, Epitaph for Wang Zheng Nan (《王征南墓誌銘》) only dates to 1669, while the earliest manual was written in 1676. Nevertheless, the style definitely predates Qing Dynasty, as both Wang Zheng Nan (王征南) and his master Dan Si Nan (單思南) were born during Ming period.


Ji Xiao Ba Shi (紀效八勢, lit. 'Eight stances of Effective Discipline')

Ji Xiao Ba Shi is a sabre and rattan shield style developed by Qi Ji Guang (戚繼光). It is probably the only surviving Ming period sabre and shield combat style.

Note that Qi Ji Guang did not name this style, instead its name was coined by early Qing period martial artist Wu Shu (吳殳).

Shi San Dao Fa (十三刀法, lit. 'Thirteen sabre tecnhiques')

A comprehensive one-handed sabre system that recommends a heftier-than-usual sabre as its weapon of choice. The only manual of Shi San Dao Fa was written by Wang Yu You (王餘佑) during early Qing period and published posthumously, but the martial arts itself undoubtedly existed before the fall of Ming. The manual was later republished in 1931 under the name Tai Ji Lian Huan Dao Fa (太極連環刀法, lit. 'Tai Ji rapid sabre techniques').

Interestingly, Shi San Dao Fa is one of the very few Chinese weapon arts that contain a quick-draw/unsheath cut sword technique as well as teaches counters to it.

Han Shi Wu Men Dan Dao (漢室五門單刀, lit. 'Five types of single sabre of House of Han')

A one-handed sabre system included in the Tong Bi Quan (通臂拳) manual written by Zhou Quan (周全).

Xuan Fu Shuang Dao (宣府雙刀, lit. 'Double sabres from Xuanfu')

A double sabre system included in the Tong Bi Quan (通臂拳) manual written by Zhou Quan (周全).


Dan Dao Fa Xuan (《單刀法選》, lit. 'Selected single sabre techniques')

Dan Dao Fa Xuan is a Dan Dao (單刀) style recorded by late Ming period martial artist Cheng Zong You (程宗猷). Cheng Zong You learnt the style from Liu Yun Feng (劉雲峰), who in turn learnt from an anonymous Japanese master. Dan Dao Fa Xuan heavily influenced later Miao Dao (苗刀) swordsmanship.

Dan Dao Fa Shi Ba Shi (單刀法十八勢, lit. 'Eighteen stances of single sabre')

Dan Dao Fa Shi Ba Shi is essentially a refined version of Dan Dao Fa Xuan (單刀法選) that condensed the original thirty-four stances into eighteen stances, and incorporated additional techniques and concepts from Chinese Jian (劍) into the style. It was created by late Ming/early Qing period martial artist Wu Shu (吳殳), who learnt the original style from Shi Jing Yan (石敬岩), who also studied under the same anonymous Japanese master as Liu Yun Feng (劉雲峰). 


Sword techniques of Yu Yang Lao Ren (漁陽老人, lit. 'Old man from Yu Yang*')

Sword techniques taught to Wu Shu (吳殳) by a mysterious old man known as Yu Yang Lao Ren (漁陽老人). Wu Shu later incorporated his teachings into his double sabre style (by using his right hand sabre as if it is a sword), as well as Dan Dao Fa Shi Ba Shi (單刀法十八勢).

Although Yu Yang Lao Ren warned Wu Shu to not pass down the sword techniques, Wu Shu later composed two prose known as Jian Jue (《劍訣》, lit. 'Sword verses') and Hou Jian Jue (《後劍訣》, lit. 'Later sword verses') that provide hints of the essence of the art.

*Note: Yu Yang (漁陽) is the former name of Ji County.


Chao Xian Shi Fa (朝鮮勢法, lit. 'Joseon stance techniques')

A two-handed Jian (劍) style recorded in Wu Bei Zhi (《武備志》). According to Mao Yuan Yi (茅元儀), author of Wu Bei Zhi (《武備志》), Chao Xian Shi Fa was an ancient Chinese school of swordsmanship that spread to Korea but later lost to the Chinese themselves, so it had to be reintroduced back to China. He later contradicted himself by stating that he acquire the manual oversea.

Korean Yedo (예도 or 銳刀, lit. 'Sharp sabre') is essentially a word-for-word copy of Chao Xian Shi Fa, albeit used with a two-handed sabre.


Yu Jia Gun (俞家棍, lit. 'Quarterstaff of House Yu')

One of the pages of Jian Jing as recorded in Ji Xiao Xin Shu (《紀效新書》).
Also known as Yu Gong Gun (俞公棍, lit. 'Quarterstaff of Lord Yu'), this is a quarterstaff style recorded in Jian Jing (《劍經》, lit. 'Sword classic', although the treatise has nothing to do with swordsmanship) written by famous Ming general and legendary martial artist Yu Da You (俞大猷). Qi Ji Guang (戚繼光) later revised the treatise with a few illustrated instructions and compiled it together with Ji Xiao Xin Shu (《紀效新書》).

Yu Jia Gun represents one of the Southern Chinese traditions of striking-oriented quarterstaff martial arts.

Shao Lin Gun Fa (少林棍法, lit. 'Shaolin quarterstaff techniques')

Ancient forms of Shaolin quarterstaff techniques can be found in martial arts treatise Shao Lin Gun Fa Chan Zong (《少林棍法闡宗》, lit. 'Clarification of the origin of Shaolin quarterstaff techniques'), written by Cheng Zong You (程宗猷). Recorded forms include Xiao Ye Cha Gun (小夜叉棍, lit. 'Small yaksha quarterstaff'), Da Ye Cha Gun (大夜叉棍, lit. 'Large yaksha quarterstaff'), Yin Shou Gun (陰手棍, lit. 'Negative grip quarterstaff'), as well as Po Gun (破棍, lit. 'Defeating quarterstaff'), techniques to counter other quarterstaff.

It represents one of the Northern Chinese traditions of thrusting-oriented quarterstaff martial arts.

Ma Cha Gun (麻杈棍, lit. 'Fire iron quarterstaff')

Ma Cha Gun is closely related to Shaolin quarterstaff tradition. This treatise was written by someone with the pseudonym Shan Yi Ren (山逸人,  lit. 'Hermit in the mountain'), but the style was not created by him.

Like Shao Lin Gun Fa (少林棍法), it also represents one of the Northern Chinese traditions of thrusting-oriented quarterstaff martial arts.

Wei Hua Bang (魏華棒)

A quarterstaff system included in the Tong Bi Quan (通臂拳) manual written by Zhou Quan (周全). Regrettably, of the original twelve routes of the system, he only recorded six.

TRIVIA: Northern and Southern quarterstaff traditions

Quarterstaff: Northern versus Southern tradition. This image is cropped and pieced together from 'Shao Lin Gun Fa Chan Zong (《少林棍法闡宗》)' and 'Wu Bei Zhi (《武備志》)'.
One of the easiest ways to differentiate Northern and Southern quarterstaff tradition is through the hand position. Northern quarterstaff is wielded with right hand at the back and left hand at the front (i.e. similar to a spear) while Southern quarterstaff is wielded with right hand at the front and left hand at the back (i.e. similar to a sword).


Yang Jia Qiang (楊家鎗, lit. 'Spear of House Yang')

Also known as Li Hua Qiang (梨花鎗, lit. 'Pear flower spear'), this is one of the most well known spear martial art in China. A rare surviving relic from Song period, the creation of Yang Jia Qiang is often attributed to Yang Miao Zhen (楊妙真), a female general of the Southern Song Dynasty. The earliest manual of Yang Jia Qiang dates to Ming period, written by Ming commander Qi Ji Guang (戚繼光) and compiled together with Ji Xiao Xin Shu (《紀效新書》).

According to Wu Shu (吳殳), Yang Jia Qiang should be used with a wooden Chang Qiang (長鎗) of one zhang two chi to one zhang eight chi in length.

Yang Jia Qiang Zhan Cuo Fa (楊家鎗搌挫法, lit. 'Spear of House Yang, bind and push techniques')

An obscure style recorded in Jing Guo Xiong Lue (《經國雄略》), allegedly one of the "secret" variants of Yang Jia Qiang (楊家鎗) but more likely to be derived from Jian Jing (《劍經》). It is very different from all other spear styles, as the spear is wielded with right hand at the front and left hand at the back.

Yang Jia Qiang Zhan Cuo Fa is used with a seven chi five cun to eight chi spear for training and demonstrations, and a nine chi to one zhang spear for actual combat.

Cha Kou Qiang (汊口鎗, lit. 'River fork spear')

A spear fighting style developed by Cheng Zong You (程宗猷) who also wrote a manual for it called Chang Qiang Fa Xuan (《長槍法選》, lit. 'Selected long spear techniques'). Cheng Zong You primarily based his style on Yang Jia Qiang (楊家鎗) and/or He Nan Qiang (河南鎗), taught to him by Li Ke Fu (李克復), as well as by Shaolin martial arts taught to him by Shaolin monk Hong Zhuan (洪轉).

Cha Kou Qiang utilises a heavy one zhang seven chi to one zhang eight chi pike for training, and a slightly shorter one zhang six chi pike for actual combat.

Note that the name Cha Kou Qiang was coined by Wu Shu (吳殳) after the birthplace of Cheng Zong You.

Ma Jia Qiang Fa (馬家鎗法, lit. 'Spear techniques of House Ma')

A spear fighting style derived from Yang Jia Qiang (楊家鎗) but incorporated many quarterstaff techniques. It was a popular style during late Ming period and the main martial art of Wu Shu (吳殳), who learnt it from Zheng Hua Zi (鄭華子).

Ma Jia Qiang Fa utilises a nine chi seven cun heavy short spear.

Meng Lu Tang Qiang Fa (夢綠堂鎗法, lit. 'Spear techniques of Dreaming Green Hall')

A spear fighting style created by Shaolin monk Hong Zhuan (洪轉), who also wrote a manual with the same name. It is the earliest Shaolin spear martial art with a surviving manual. Hong Zhuan was also the master of Cheng Zong You (程宗猷) and had profound influence on the development of Cha Kou Qiang (汊口鎗).

Wu Shu (吳殳) incorporated a copy of this manual into Shou Bi Lu (《手臂錄》).

E Mei Qiang Fa (峨嵋鎗法, lit. 'Spear techniques from Emei')

Spear techniques inherited by Emei monk Pu En (普恩), who later taught it to Cheng Zhen Ru (程真如) and another monk Yue Kong (月空). Wu Shu (吳殳) also learnt from this school.

Wu Shu incorporated two versions of E Mei Qiang Fa manuals in his treatise Shou Bi Lu (《手臂錄》), one written by himself, another authored by Cheng Zhen Ru and was later gifted to him by his friend.

Similar to Ma Jia Qiang Fa, E Mei Qiang Fa also utilises a nine chi seven cun short spear.

Jin Jia Xiao Qiang (金家小鎗, lit. 'Small spear of House of Jin')

A short spear system included in the Tong Bi Quan (通臂拳) manual written by Zhou Quan (周全). The system actually utilises a nine chi to one zhang two chi short spear.

It is unknown if this system is the same as Jin Jia Qiang (金家鎗) or not.

Er Lang Zhao Rang Shuo (二郎枣穰槊, lit. 'Erlang's Golden Lance')

A spear system included in the Tong Bi Quan (通臂拳) manual written by Zhou Quan (周全).


Tang Pa techniques from Jian Jing (《劍經》)

One of the pages of Tang Pa training manual taken from 'Wu Bei Zhi (《武備志》)'.
Although Jian Jing (《劍經》) is primarily a quarterstaff treatise, it contains a section that specifically deals with applying quarterstaff principles to Tang Pa (钂鈀). Qi Ji Guang (戚繼光) revised this section into an illustrated and easily understandable format and included it in the second edition Ji Xiao Xin Shu (《紀效新書》).

Tian Peng Cha (天蓬釵, lit. 'Tian Peng's fork')

Tang Pa (钂鈀) techniques recorded in Wu Bei Yao Lue (《武備要略》). Unlike its counterpart above, Tian Peng Cha is an adaption of Shao Lin Gun Fa (少林棍法), a Northern quarterstaff tradition.

Unnamed Chinese Ji techniques from Wu Bei Yao Lue (《武備要略》).

Fang Tian Hua Ji (方天畫戟) techniques derived from Shao Lin Gun Fa (少林棍法). It is the only known surviving Ming period Fang Tian Hua Ji manual.

Unnamed glaive techniques from Wu Bei Yao Lue (《武備要略》)

Yan Yue Dao (偃月刀) techniques recorded in Wu Bei Yao Lue (《武備要略》). Unlike other martial arts in the military treatise, this style does not seem to be derived from other martial arts.

Mi Chuan Yi Shi Er Shi Hun Yuan Dao Fa (秘傳一十二下混元刀法, lit. 'Secret teaching of twelve Hun Yuan glaive techniques')

A very obscure Yan Yue Dao (偃月刀) style recorded in post-Ming military treatise Jing Guo Xiong Lue (《經國雄略》).

Unnamed Lang Xian techniques from Ji Xiao Xin Shu (《紀效新書》)

Lang Xian (狼筅) techniques created by Qi Ji Guang (戚繼光) for his troops. It is also derived from Jian Jing (《劍經》).

Unnamed Lang Xian techniques from Wu Bei Yao Lue (《武備要略》)

An expanded version of the original Lang Xian (狼筅) style recorded by Chen Zi Yi (程子頤). It incorporates additional techniques derived from Shao Lin Gun Fa (少林棍法).


Unnamed iron whip techniques from Wu Bei Yao Lue (《武備要略》)

These two-handed Tie Bian (鐵鞭) techniques are lifted directly from Dan Dao Fa Xuan (單刀法選), but with several one-handed techniques removed (as the weapon is heavier than a two-handed sword). 

Unnamed axe techniques from Wu Bei Yao Lue (《武備要略》)

These two-handed axe techniques are also lifted directly from Dan Dao Fa Xuan (單刀法選), but with even less techniques.

E Mei Chan (峨嵋鏟, lit. 'Emei spade')

One of a kind style that utilise a unique weapon known as E Mei Chan (峨嵋鏟). It is derived from Shao Lin Gun Fa (少林棍法).

Lang Ya Gun (狼牙棍)

One of a kind style that utilises a modified Lang Ya Bang (狼牙棒) that resembles a Japanese Kanabō (金砕棒) with shorter handle. Its techniques are directly lifted from Dan Dao Fa Xuan (單刀法選).


Unnamed martial arts from Wu Bian Qian Ji (《武編前集》)

Wu Bian Qian Ji (《武編前集》), a military treatise redacted by Tang Shun Zhi (唐順之) has a section that contains many instructions on unarmed combat, spear, double sabres, double iron whips, meteor hammer, Pa (扒) and Tang Pa (钂鈀).

Zhen Fa Ma Bu She Fa Gun Fa (《陣法馬步射法棍法》, lit. 'Formations, mounted and foot archery, and quarterstaff techniques')

A short manual included as addendum of Xin Juan Wu Jing Biao Ti Zheng Yi (《新鐫武經標題正義》). Among other things, it contains one of the earliest reference of unarmed martial arts of Shaolin (written as "邵陵" instead of "少林") tradition.

Wu Bei Men (《武備門》, lit. 'Gate of Armament')

Ming Dynasty wrestling
One of the wrestling techniques of Wu Bei Men, from 'Xin Ban Quan Bu Tia Xia Bian Yong Wen Lin Miao Jin Wan Bao Quan Shu (《新版全補天下便用文林妙錦萬寶全書》)'.
Several Ming and Qing period encyclopedias such as Xin Ke Tian Xia Si Min Bian Lan Wan Yong Zheng Zong (《新刻天下四民便覽萬用正宗》), Xin Ban Quan Bu Tian Xia Bian Yong Wen Lin Miao Jin Wan Bao Quan Shu (《新板全補天下便用文林妙錦萬寶全書》), Xin Ke Ye Jia Xin Cai Wan Bao Quan Shu (《新刻鄴架新裁萬寶全書》) and Zeng Bu Wan Bao Quan Shu (《增補萬寶全書》) include a chapter called Wu Bei Men that contains rudimentary instructions on unarmed combat, wrestling, quarterstaff, spear, Tang Pa (钂鈀) and archery. Unlike many other books in this list, these encyclopedias were written for the common folk.

Mi Chuan Duan Da Fa (秘傳短打法, lit. 'Secret teaching of short distance striking techniques')

Unarmed combat techniques recorded in Wu Bei Xin Shu (《武備新書》), a revised version of Ji Xiao Xin Shu (《紀效新書》) written by Xie San Bin (謝三賓).

Quan Shi Ti Shi (拳勢體式, lit. 'Fist stance body style') and Gun Bang Ti Shi (棍棒體式)

Ming period print of the manual, being exhibited in Anhui China Huizhou Culture Museum in August 2023.
A late Ming period unarmed combat manual and quarterstaff manual can be found in Xin Kan Ming Jiao Zhen Chuan Quan Shi Gun Shi Jie Yao (《新刊明教真傳拳勢棍勢捷要》).

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